Thursday, May 31, 2012



when do u know when your life suck? ask me n about 40 years when i'm old, cesty, & close 2 dieding cause this is a question that my crew been asking me 4 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but i expect u 2 figure it out on your onw don't ask others 4 help on this cause only u can be u!

I'm tsumexi & this is bcla life news,
have a good day.

why r studentz caring so most about cooking now days?
it becaues most of them want to look good n front of eirth their girlfriend or boyfriend parent(s).
but than agin they cause be learn how 2 cook so they can impress their own parent(s).
but eirth way i think learnin how 2 cook is a fun 2 learn/try something new about other cultural dishes from around the world!!!!!!!
i'm tsumexi & this is bcla life news,
have a good day.

y do we have 2 do porfolios & final exames  anyways?
well...people say that it is importance so that the skool will know what we learn this year/if we learn anything at all the year.
I'm tsumexi & this is bcla life news,
have a good day.

how do u feel u did on the mcas?
well i feel that i did the best i could to pass the sciene mcas so i don't have to do it agin especailly since sciene come so naturally to me  just like how bears just naturally loves honey.
I'm tsumeix & this is bcla life news,
have a good day.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

new 雙

this is the chinesse symbol 4 kaze

xbox 720 real or fake u diecde

sos!!!! soon this lovely school know as bcla (bosotn communtiy leadership academy) will be moving 2 the abanded hyde park high skool building here is some pics of this old skool below.

this is hyde park high skoool.

these pics r 4 the girlz

these pics r 4 the boyz